Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Countdown to Christmas

My Boyz next to the Christmas tree.

Santa's Elf. Does he look like he has been good this year?

Tia, JT and Joshua at Winterhaven all bundled up.

The family at Winterhaven

The kidz at our Church's Nativity scene. Every year they have a production with many of our ward members that play the wise men and Inn keeper. They all grow their beards for a few weeks and turn into thespians for a good cause. We usually go twice a year to this because I think it is great to see a live nativity that reinforces our teachings about our Savior and all that He has done for us.

My Tangelo orange tree has produced a bunch of oranges this year. The weather has been mild and has not dipped below freezing yet so I have been able to leave them on the tree longer to ripen! Ruth bought me a juice squeezer a few years back and we have used it every year to make fresh orange juice. Yum, I think I will go cut open two of them and make some juice after this blog.

Ruth makes these cookies every year and I seem to eat more than my share. They are like magnets.
JT and I had some movie night hot chocolate and watched The Polar Express. "Well, are you comin? Why To the North Pole of course!" These are some mugs from the McGill family last year.

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