Thursday, November 13, 2008

Primary Program 08

Tia had to memorize her part for her primary program and was very nervous at first until she began to memorize it. We practiced at home in front of the family and then behind the kitchen island. We worked on her volume , pitch, articulation and tempo. We had a special FHE for the songs so she could remember the words and played her primary CD in the car while driving around. This was her scripture that she recited over the pulpit; "Therefore, O Ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength that ye may stand blameless before God in the last day". Tia wore her white sweater with a pink, mother-of-pearl necklace consisting of butterflies and flowers that was made by her Aunt Mahana from Tahiti. She had a Burgundy cord skirt and matching headband with rhinestones rounded out with white leggings and black shoes. :) Girly stuff I guess.
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